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Devotionary is a new podcast that is designed to make the Bible accessible and applicable to everyday life. It combines the inspiration of a daily devotional and the insights of a commentary, but in language that is easy-to-understand. We will be working our way through the entire Bible offering a chapter-by-chapter overview of each book. The goal is to give you a solid understanding of the Bible’s overarching and unified message of redemption. We hope you enjoy.

Nov 22, 2019

In Deuteronomy 3:23-29, Moses reminds the people of Israel that he will not be going with them into the land of promise. He painfully recounts the story of when he attempted to rob God of glory and, in doing so, he treated God as unholy. This had been a serious mistake on the part of Moses and it had come with serious consequences. God had banned him from ever setting foot in the land of Canaan. After rescuing the people from their captivity in Egypt, leading them across the wilderness, then having to put up with 40 more years of wandering because they had refused to enter the land the first time, Moses was going to miss out on the joys of Canaan. But God provided Moses with the assurance that Joshua would complete what he had begun. The God of Israel would remain faithful to His promises. And while Moses would never spend a single, solitary moment in the land of promise, he could rest assured that the people of Israel would.