Dec 31, 2019
Holiness is a non-negotiable as far as God is concerned. It is not a suggestion that He has left up to our discretion or according to our definition. He has a strong opinion about what holiness is and how His people are to pursue it. And in Deuteronomy 18:9-14, Moses is going to remind the people of Israel that God had...
Dec 30, 2019
The Levites were one of the 12 tribes of Israel. But they were different from all the rest. God had set them apart and ordained them to care for the tabernacle and to meet the spiritual needs of His people. But how did this one tribe receive this illustrious responsibility? What was it about them that earned them...
Dec 29, 2019
God is omniscient. That’s a theologian’s fancy way of saying that God knows everything. He is all-knowing. There is nothing that escapes His attention. And unlike us, God doesn’t find out about things as they happen. He knows about them in advance. So, when Moses told the people of Israel that there was a day...
Dec 28, 2019
We live in an age when tolerance is the mantra of the day. Acceptance is the new sign of true enlightenment. There is no such thing as truth, because truth is relative. And we are told that we have no right to push our version of the truth on anyone else. But God would beg to differ. He is the one who established the...
Dec 27, 2019
As Moses attempted to prepare the people of Israel for their entry into the land of promise, he covered every imaginable topic. In Deuteronomy 17:1-7, he addresses the issue of committing an abomination to the Lord. But what exactly does that mean? The Hebrew word actually means “disgusting thing” and was used to...