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Devotionary is a new podcast that is designed to make the Bible accessible and applicable to everyday life. It combines the inspiration of a daily devotional and the insights of a commentary, but in language that is easy-to-understand. We will be working our way through the entire Bible offering a chapter-by-chapter overview of each book. The goal is to give you a solid understanding of the Bible’s overarching and unified message of redemption. We hope you enjoy.

Apr 17, 2019

Peace. We all long for it, but it seems to be increasingly more difficult to come by. We live in an age of turmoil, tension, increasing polarization, and intensifying animosity. But peace is available. The problem is, there’s only one source for peace: God. And the people of Judah had long ago forgotten that lesson. They had a long history of longing for peace, but always ended up seeking peace in all the wrong places and from the most unreliable sources. But in Isaiah 59:1-8, we see God, once again, offering His wayward people a chance to experience peace, if they will simply return to Him. But they remained obstinate and unwilling to turn to the one source where peace was in abundant supply and hope never returned empty handed. The problem with the people of Judah was that the peace they desired remained elusive, because their sin remained more attractive to them. It was all they could think about. And, as a result, they had no peace, no joy, no justice, and no righteousness. Their world remained dark and their future looked dim because they preferred pleasure over peace.