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Devotionary is a new podcast that is designed to make the Bible accessible and applicable to everyday life. It combines the inspiration of a daily devotional and the insights of a commentary, but in language that is easy-to-understand. We will be working our way through the entire Bible offering a chapter-by-chapter overview of each book. The goal is to give you a solid understanding of the Bible’s overarching and unified message of redemption. We hope you enjoy.

Jun 11, 2019

Remember that exchange between Peter and Jesus, just days after His resurrection? Jesus had just finished having breakfast with the disciples, when He asked Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” And Peter responded, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Then Jesus preceded to repeat His question to two more times, and in each instance, Peter gave the same answer. Jesus’ questions were accompanied by three imperatives: Feed my lambs, tend my sheep, and feed my sheep. And Jesus ended the conversation with the same two words He had used more than three years earlier, when He had called Peter to be His disciple: “Follow me.” It’s important to note that Jesus was about to leave them, but He was asking Peter to follow Him. Not to a destination, but in the pursuit of the Father’s will. And Peter and the rest of the disciples would soon find themselves empowered to follow Jesus in full obedience, proving their love for Him as they followed His example by feeding His sheep.