Dec 31, 2017
In verses 1-10 of Acts 3, Luke provides us with a retelling of an encounter Peter and John had with a man who had been lame since birth. While Luke seems to present this as a chance encounter, it was anything but that. This was a God-ordained appointment, providing these two apostles with an opportunity to perform...
Dec 30, 2017
What should a true, New Testament church look like? For an answer to that question, many have turned to the book of Acts. They see in Luke’s account a detailed, God-ordained agenda for the church of Jesus Christ in any and all ages. But is that what Luke was really out to provide? Was he writing a manual on church...
Dec 29, 2017
What better way to address a crowd of Jews than to quote their revered patriarch and former king, David. Which is what we have recorded in Acts 2:29-41. In his ongoing address to the crowd that had gathered as a result of the Spirit’s indwelling and the disciples speaking in foreign languages, Peter uses the words...
Dec 28, 2017
In Acts 2:22-28, Luke records part of Peter’s address to the crowd of Jews who had gathered as a result of the Holy Spirit’s coming and the apostles’ miraculous display of the Spirit’s power as they spoke in foreign languages. Peter took the opportunity to speak to the very people who had been complicit in the...
Dec 27, 2017
God is always at work, but not everyone recognizes His efforts. Some refuse to acknowledge God’s presence and power, simply writing it off or attributing it to something or someone else. That is exactly what we see going on in Acts chapter 2, in the immediate aftermath of the Spirit’s coming. The disciples, filled...