Apr 29, 2018
So much of what we read in the book of Revelation seems far-fetched and impossible to fathom. It reads like some kind of a sci-fi fantasy novel, complete with fantastic creatures, supernatural events, otherworldly imagery and apocalyptic scenes. Many have struggled with the book of Revelation, refusing to see any of its...
Apr 28, 2018
The tribulation is going to be a very difficult time. And John is being given an up-close and personal look into just how difficult it is going to be. But in Revelation 7:9-17, John is provided with a glimpse into a heavenly reality that is meant to bring him hope. In the first eight verses of this chapter, he was shown...
Apr 27, 2018
God keeps His promises. He is a covenant-keeping God who never fails to follow through on His commitments. And that is an important lesson found within the pages of the book of Revelation. Every aspect of the vision given to John was prophesied well in advance. The Old Testament Scriptures are full of God’s...
Apr 26, 2018
One of the most difficult things to come to grips with when reading the book of Revelation are the many references to believers being martyred for their faith. During these dark and difficult days, it will be extremely risky to be a confessing believer in Christ. The world’s animosity toward Christians will reach...
Apr 25, 2018
Three more horses carrying three more riders. That is what John sees as Jesus breaks the seals of the scroll and the content of the judgments are revealed. John will ultimately see four horses and their riders, each slightly different than the one before it. And each brings with it a different judgment to be meted out...