Jul 31, 2018
David has showed up at the front lines of battle, where the army of Israel is facing the Philistines and their larger-than-life champion, Goliath. And David is appalled at what he finds. Not a single man is willing to stand up to the taunts of the Philistine warrior, and take his challenge to hand-to-hand combat....
Jul 30, 2018
David had the anointing of the Holy Spirit and had been designated by God to be the next king of Israel. But, there was only one problem. Saul was still the official king. While God had removed His Spirit from Saul, He had not yet chosen to remove Saul from the throne. And God, in His inimitable way, chose to...
Jul 29, 2018
David, the youngest of all Jesse’s sons, was a lowly shepherd, designated with the responsibility to care for the flocks and herds belonging to the family. In fact, when the prophet had shown up at Jesse’s home, David had not even been included in the gathering of all the sons. Instead, he hadh been left to tend the...
Jul 28, 2018
Today we begin a new series on the life of David. Over the next few months we are going to be looking into the books of 1st and 2nd Samuel and 1st Kings as we unpack the life of this incredible character from the Old Testament. We’ll open up in this episode with God sending His prophet, Samuel, to the house of Jesse...
Jul 27, 2018
As Paul sums up his thoughts in Ephesians 6:10-24, he calls on his audience to be strong and in the strength of His might. He isn’t telling them to gut it up, He’s encouraging them to look up, to Jesus. They must recognize that their strength is in Him. Their hope is in Him. And their guarantee of eternity is...